Apr 23, 2012

Week 32 - The size of a large turnip

All the dieting seems to work, our baby is now measuring at acceptable average size. Yeay!

Anyway, after the appointment, Sel had to get home to finish off some work. We were planning to head out again to spend some time together after she's done. Unfortunately, something unexpected happened while we're at home. She realized that she was spotting when she went to the toilet. It was fresh blood! She had to go relieved herself and when she was done cleaning herself, she had blood dripping down her legs and pants as she stood up. She then had some cramping as though she has the runs. Sel called Dr Sim’s clinic immediately for advice. She was advised to monitor the bleeding for an hour.

Thank god the bleeding had stopped. Dr Sim wanted to play safe so she requested Sel to come back to her clinic for some medication. Well, Sel was given steroid shot to help our baby develop her lungs faster (in case of early labour). Oh man, the shot really hurts! She was to come back tomorrow for another dose. Dr Sim had prescribed some hormones for Sel to take to helps relax her muscles and hopefully prevent any future bleeding. At least the CTG shows that the baby heart rate is normal and that she was not having any contractions.

According to Dr Sim the low placenta is the cause of the bleeding. Sel was on strict orders to be bed rest. Dr Sim warns that the bleeding could get worse and if it does, our baby might have to be delivered via c-section at KKH because the cost of NICU at TMC will be too expensive. It is best that Sel take it easy until the 35th week when the baby’s major organs will be fully developed. We’re to see her again next week to follow-up.

What a scare we had today!

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