May 16, 2012

Introducing Andreanna

She's 1 month early! Sel delivered her via emergency c-section under full GA at 3:55AM today. Alhamdulillah, she's healthy.

Weight: 2.725kg
Length: 49cm
Head Circumference: 32cm

May 2, 2012

Another Scary Bleeding Episode!

We had another scare today! Sel has been spotting on and off the past 2 weeks. Well, this morning she had a lot more and it's like chocolate mucus (sorry TMI). Sel was freaked out! She can't help but feel really worried.

Anyway, she had googled and thought that she's lost my mucus plug. She called the gynae's clinic but they had no idea what she was talking about. After describing it to them, Dr Sim decided to see her again today. Vin rushed to take an urgent leave and accompanied Sel to the clinic. After some checks and monitoring, we're relieved to say that my baby is fine. At the clinic, Dr Sim was not able to see any signs of bleeding. She suspected that Sel may have yeast infection and had inserted a tablet in her vagina for treatment. Sel's blood pressure had risen. She is still on strict orders to be bed rest and the c-section is scheduled on the 30th of this month.

Since nobody knew what Sel was talking about when she was describing the chocolate mucus, she decided to take a picture of the bleeding when it happens again. It so happens that she bled again in the late afternoon and this time, it was more red than brown.

Sorry it's gross!

Sel was quite disappointed that she's unable to deliver our baby via normal vaginal delivery. After reading more about c-section, she's come into terms with it. She's also upset that the scheduled c-section clashes with Vin's reservist and yet he refuses to defer. Sigh. We can't push back the date because Dr Sim will be going away then. Vin will just have to try and take time off from his reservist to be there for Sel during the c-section. He'll probably have to go back to camp on the same day. Anyway, his reservist will end that weekend which is just in time for Sel and baby to be discharged from the hospital. That's the plan! But you know that not everything goes according to plan when you're having a baby.