Apr 5, 2012

A "Gift" from the Gynae's Clinic

2 days ago, we've received a call from Dr Sim's clinic to inform us that Sel had failed the gestational diabetes screening. Sel was asked to come in as soon as possible for further consultation. The appointment was set first thing this morning and she's got a "gift" from the clinic:

Optium Hypocount Machine
Well, it's not really a gift. It's a rental from Dr Sim's clinic to monitor Sel's blood sugar level weekly. Rental costs S$10.00 per month and there's a S$30.00 deposit for the machine. Now Sel has to poke her finger one day every week, 3 times that day, every 2 hours after breakfast, lunch and dinner. And she's got to update the Outpatient Diabetic Monitoring Chart and report back her results to the clinic every week.

Anyway, her appointment only took 15 minutes. They showed her how to work the machine and gave her advise on how to improve her diet. The list of Do's and Don'ts:

1. Eat smaller meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

2. Reduce carbohydrate consumption by 1/3 and increase in protein consumption.

3. Have a light morning tea, afternoon tea and supper.

4. Avoid fruits with high sugar like mango and durian. Fruits like strawberries and grapes should be consumed in small quantity (ie. just 3 peices).

5. Food should be as bland as possible. The best way to cook is by boiling and steaming. Stir-fried food is acceptable but deep fried food is an absolute NO.

Sel has never gone on diet before so this is going to be a torture to her! Sigh... Anything for the baby's sake.

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