Aug 28, 2009

Iftar at Mackenzie Rex Restaurant

Guess what? They have renovated. It's brightly lighted, clean, modern and just refreshing. We must have not been there for quite sometime to have not known that they were going to renovate the restaurant. Well, blame it on The Chicken Rice Shop because we have been getting our dose of chicken rice from there the past few months.

The cashier area...

Modern design... False ceiling with spot-lights.

New furniture & seating arrangements

Anyway, both eateries are just as yummy. Slurp, Slurp! Price wise is also comparable. If we had to chose, we would probably prefer Rex because they just have much more variety on their menu.

A word of advice if you plan to iftar (break fast) there, do call for reservation because it is impossible to get a table during that time if you just walk-in.

Their website seems new too.

1 comment:

  1. Mackenzie Rex RestaurantNovember 11, 2010 at 1:46 AM

    now mackenzie rex restaurant on face book. check it out. :)!/profile.php?id=100001446740541
