Aug 5, 2009

148 Days Before Our Big Day

It was 10 minutes before the clock strikes 12.00am and Vin was already busy entering the necessary particulars on the ROMM website to register for our marriage. Sel was all ready to sleep, lying cosily in her bed while providing Vin with the required information over the phone.

And we’re done with the registration at 12.06am. That’s only 6 minutes after the registration opens for our solemnization date. Wonder if we are the first couple to register for that date? Can’t imagine any other couples doing the same but maybe it’s just typical Singaporean behavior.

Seems like the timer on ROMM website is 2 days behind. We had tried to register on Monday, which is exactly 150 days before our big day but failed. The latest solemnization date reflected on the website then was December 30th, 2009. Oh well, it’s done and over with now.

That’s another milestone in our wedding preparation completed.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh no! My comment was deleted! :p
    what I wanted to say is 148 sounds like a better and more auspicious number than 150 to me! heez
    And so THE BIG DAY draws nearer..
