Feb 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

The first few years we started dating, our relationship was rocky. Partly, it was because Sel was resistant to the idea of being in a relationship. Also, it was because we were new to each others behaviors. The reason we grew so close to each other is that we both seek companionship.

During those few years, we always had a bad experience on valentine’s day. For example, there was once Vin was caught up with something at work and made Sel sit around at Suntec for more than 2 hours. When we finally met and went for dinner, we sat in the restaurant for almost an hour and all that was served was the appetizer! Tired, hungry and disappointed, we head home. Then there was the time that Vin was so sweet, he gave Sel a big bouquet of flowers. It was beautiful. But Sel refused to carry them because she was too embarrassed to the point she threatened to leave the flowers on the floor if Vin did not carry it for her. And the list can go on and on…

It was after those few years that we decided not to celebrate valentine’s day. It is too commercialized anyway.

So, we both agreed that we will not buy each other anything. And we both knew that we were bluffing. Hehe…

His gift for her...Her gift for him…
It was nothing expensive but it’s the thought that counts. Anyway, there was really no celebration. Vin had a course the whole day. We only met up in the evening to do some errands and to have dinner.

Happy valentine's day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. hehe! korang cute la!
    stay happy always, v-day or no v-day! =D
