Feb 7, 2009

Haircut @ E-Mage

Sel was all smileys on Saturday because she just loves the way the stylist did her hair. All in all, it took about 3 hours. It was a super-duper long process and it went as follows:
1) Dye the middle part of her strands

(because the tips were dry)
2) Then dye the roots and tips
3) Wash
4) Treatment
5) Rinse
6) Trim
7) Blow-dry to style

She was so pleased with the outcome that she kept going around shamelessly asking everyone “nice or not?”!


  1. Lol I can see why selsila loves this hairstyle! It's lovely and it suits her! Just chance upon both of your blog and I'm so happy for both of you! Both of you seem to do stuffs together as a couple unlike others, especially for this blog.

    Love the section that counts down to your Big Day too!

  2. Hey babe, thanks for visiting our blog. Vin being his silly self didn't realised that it was you who left the comments. He thought it was some random chinese girl. hehe...
