Jan 21, 2009

Cycling in Pulau Ubin

Vin has a lot of foreign colleagues (all from India) who have been in Singapore for quite some time and yet have not been to Pulau Ubin. So he was trying to be a good host by organizing this cycling trip for them. It was a last minute arrangement but everything was set and finalized on Monday. We were expecting a group of 6 (including us) on this trip, Sumant, Shadap, Negi and his wife.

Vin was so enthusiastic that he even came up with an itinerary for the day. Wait! No, he created the itinerary because he is a “Scheduled Man”. As mentioned on the previous post, he has this “sickness” that he has to have a schedule for his haircut. Well in actual fact, he follows a schedule for almost everything that he does.

Anyway, only 3 turned up on that day. It was just Sumant and us. Being the food lover that we are, we brought too much food. Things we brought (excluding Sumant’s):
1) Sardine sandwich x 4

2) Nasi lemak x 4
3) Twiggies x 1
4) Cut apples x 3
5) Pringles x 1
6) Big bottle of Ice Mountain x 1
7) Big bottle of H2O x 1

Yet, we finished everything except for the Pringles. Hehe… It’s no wonder that our legs fell asleep after cycling for a while. They have probably gone on strike because our body weight is too heavy!

After a hard day of cycling up and down the slopes of Ubin, we ended the day with Satay at Potong Pasir Food Centre. Yummy!!! The Packcik sell the best satay around. He has been in the satay business all the way back from the good old Satay Club @ The Padang days. Uncle Jal would probably know him since he was also in that business there then. The satay is so good that we will go there just for satay. Hee!

Among the 3 of us, we took too many photos to share so here are the selected few:

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