First we head down to VivoCity for a late lunch. Since we had stumbled upon The Chicken Rice Shop, Vin had been craving for more.What we ordered...
Sel had noodles while Vin had the chicken rice set...
Is there any reason why one is longer than the other?
The chicken tile on the wall...
After lunch, we window-shopped till our legs feel like dropping off.
Then we head to Starbucks for tea. We’re both coffee people so of course, we’ll have coffee for a late tea. And neither of us could resist the sinful cakes there. It was Vin’s suggestion anyway and Sel just couldn’t say no.Dark berry mocha... Tasted like the pink panadol for kids. Bleh!
Warm chocolate cake... YUM!!!
Come dinner time, Vin wanted satay.
The best satay in Singapore according to Vin...
The pakcik is from the famous old Satay Club at the padang...
Waiting patiently for the satays, we decided to pack and have it at home...
Vin is all smiles at the idea of having satay for dinner... 
Imagine! All these junk were consumed in 4 hours. No wonder we’re getting fatter!
“At this rate, you won’t be able to squeeze into you wedding clothes.” We’ve been hearing this comment ever so often nowadays. Shouldn’t the clothes be made to fit us rather then we deprived ourselves of the wonderful flavour of delicious, yummy and sinful food to fit the clothes?!
Anyway, we had a great day!
See our funny faces...
See our smiling and content faces...

We just can't help it. Food just makes us happy. If it makes us fat then so be it. At most we'll start working out.