Feb 21, 2012

Ayam Masak Madu / Honey Chicken

Sel tried a new recipe today, Honey Chicken. So the menu for tonight's dinner:

Honey Chicken Green Beans with scrambled eggs

The recipe was taken from http://cikmin.com/2010/05/ayam-bermadu-tak-mengapa-jangan/.

500 g chicken, mix with turmeric powder and a pinch of salt
3 tablespoons red chilli (grounded)
6 shallots
2 cloves garlic (grounded)
2 tablespoons chilli sauce
3 tablespoons honey
1 teaspoon black pepper
2 red chillies, sliced oblique
1 large onion, sliced round
Salt to taste
Adequate water

Fry the chicken until golden brown then set aside. Saute ground ingredients. Then add chilli sauce, honey and a little water. Let it boil. Add chicken, black pepper, sliced ​​onions and chopped chillies. Mix well and cook until the sauce is thickened. Taste and add a little salt if necessary. Then it's ready to serve.

Hope that it taste as good as it looks!

Feb 1, 2012