Half Hacked Kitchen/Dining Room Wall
From The Watches Gallery
Seiko Wall Clock - RM130.00
(Living Room Clock)
Vin liked Zhiqi's ideas very much. Although all that she can provide us at this point of time is the quotation and the space layout proposal, she had went an extra step by putting post-its on a few magazines to show us a rough idea of the designs she had in mind for the space. Unfortunately, S$44k is just too much! Even if we're to compromise the designs/materials, it's unlikely that we can cut S$10k off the quotation. Then the effects might not be the same as what we've pictured right? If we have the money on hand, at least we can consider. The fact is we don't have such luxury!
After scrutinising both quotations, it clear that even the exact same item cost more with Artrend. Vin can't possibly force this through. And Sel was quick to point out that overspending will be a burden to the household. We still have a few big items to buy for the house. Plus, we both have more than enough good ideas/designs for the spaces.
Anyway, we're meeting Jason from Design36 tomorrow to view some of the units at Jade Spring that he had worked on. So let's see how it goes tomorrow...
Ceiling Light - S$95.00
(Master Bedroom Welcome Light)
Hanging Light - S$165.00
(Walk-in Wardrobe in Master Bedroom)
Now, Sel wants a sink cover so that the sink can be converted into a workspace when not in use. Anyone knows where to get one?
After the installation, we tested the A/C and realised we have overlooked the fact that we have only one isolator on the air-con latch. Gain City have advised against sharing an isolator for the 2 compressors as there was an incident whereby the circuit breaker caught fire after tripping a few times. Now, we have to call the electrician again to install another isolator. *Doink*
The only problem now is that Gary is uncontactable! URGH! What is going on? We've tried calling and messaging his mobile, calling his office line and have yet to get a response from him. We were initially angry. Then, we started to worry if anything had happened to him.
Later, we finally managed to get through to the office line and was told by the staff that he had left the firm. It's now time to PANIC!
Vin printed a few copies of our floor plan for us to scout for a new ID at IMM. So now we're almost back to square one.
I <3 U
From Tampoi Lighting Centre Sdn Bhd
From D-ONE Electrical Sdn Bhd
There are plenty of lighting shops in JB. There's one particular shop that we found very welcoming, Indah Lighting Gallery. Edmund who was attending to us sounds very knowledgeable and yet not pushy. In fact, we had found that they have one of the brightest LED downlight with a diffuser (and it's made in Taiwan) at RM330.00 per peice. If only we have the budget to get it! Sponsors? Anyone?